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First Nations Women Shining as Sports Commentators in FIFA Women's World Cup

Dexter Saemo

Tamara Creamer, a Kalkadoon Waanyi woman, has always been captivated by the beauty of sport, appreciating its daring plays and intricate strategies. She is now combining her passion for sports with an exciting opportunity to become one of the 20 trainee commentators mentored by ABC Sport veterans during the FIFA Women's World Cup.

For Tamara, understanding the "why" behind gameplay and strategy has been a lifelong fascination. As a player, coach, and learner of the game, she has delved into the processes and strategies that underpin sports, seeking to unpack their essence.

The program provides training to First Nations and Indo-Pacific women at Brisbane Stadium, with half of them learning the art of sports commentary and the other half honing their skills as mobile journalists. Ruby Ketchell, a 19-year-old trainee journalist, has been mastering the operation of mobile camera equipment and conducting interviews. Her prior broadcast experience at Cairns' only Indigenous radio station, Bumma Bippera Media, has been a valuable foundation for her development.

Jacqualine Elwell, an Aranda woman, finds it inspiring to witness First Nations women breaking into a historically male-dominated industry. She views the program as an opportunity for these women to demonstrate their capabilities and overcome barriers in the sports commentary world.

ABC international development lead, Jo Elsom, praises the promising cohort of female sports journalists, emphasizing their dedication and passion for their training programs. The group's commitment is seen as a driving force towards a more inclusive and diverse sports media industry.

The program is a collaborative effort between FIFA WWC, Oceania Football Confederation, and the Office for Sport, aiming to provide opportunities and support for aspiring journalists to thrive in the sports commentary arena.

Read the full article here.

Photo Courtesy ABC News

Courtesy ABC News

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